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5 Tips for Designing a Productive Workspace at Home

Working from home has increased in popularity over the last few years, so it makes sense that more people are searching for ways to create productive workspace. No matter what size your property is, these five tips will help you stay focused through the entire workday.

Find the Quietest Space

The first challenge is finding a suitable location, which is more difficult if you share your home with friends and family. You need to have peace and quiet if you want to get work done, so placing your computer at the end of a kitchen counter won’t be ideal. As well as this, there needs to be suitable storage space nearby.

The best location is a separate office room. However, if you have a small property, it probably doesn’t have any rooms spare; in this case, you can create a nook along a hallway or quiet area of the living room, but you’ll have to communicate with others about when you’re working.

Use Quality Furniture

To get the most out of your working day, you have to be comfortable, which is why investing in high-quality furniture is recommended. When it comes to choosing a desk, you can play around with the design a little more, like the stylish BRIORD desk in the ligne roset UK catalog.

You’ll need to sit down without causing potentially life-long injuries. To do this, you have to find an ergonomically designed chair, which will support your lumbar region and neck. Even though there are plenty of cheaper options, it’s best to spend around £100 or more on a decent office chair.

Declutter Your Home and Office

If you’re trying to work in a messy space, your mind will feel the surrounding chaos and your productivity levels will plummet. Therefore, you should make sure your workspace is free of all clutter. The same goes for the rest of your home, as your mind will likely drift to focus on the growing mountain of clutter around your home, which depletes your ability to concentrate.

Add a Pleasant Fragrance

Being in a room that smells fresh feels good all on its own, but there’s been research into how certain fragrances and oils improve productivity. For example, rosemary will help maintain concentration levels and peppermint has been shown to boost energy. If you want to take this further, you can use sweet orange smells to reduce anxiety.

Use Natural Light and Plants

Nature is an amazing tool when it comes to boosting productivity, which is why you should attempt to make the most of natural light and plants in your office. Research has proven that natural light reduces stress and makes people happier, calmer, and less prone to other mental health conditions. When paired with plants, which also reduces stress, you’ve got the perfect recipe for a productive day in the office.

Now that you’ve got an office designed around productivity, you’ll find it much easier to get through the day without suffering distractions and lapses in motivation. Remember, even if you’re on a tight budget, it’s always worth paying for quality office furniture.

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