
Should I Relocate My Parents When Putting Them into Care?

Putting your parents into care can be a difficult decision to make, and choosing the right care home for them is certainly a call that you cannot make lightly. A difficult part of making this decision comes in the form of deciding whether or not you should relocate your parents when you are placing them into care. There are many reasons why this may be a good idea; however, the final decision will entirely depend on your current situation. This article is going to discuss some of the benefits that could come with relocating your parents when you are putting them into care.

The Quality of Care They Will Receive

When it comes to picking a care home, you need to put in some research and choose a facility that you think will be best for your parents. For instance, if you have a family member that has dementia, then they would likely need to go to a care home that is specifically equipped to deal with dementia to a high standard. Take, for instance, Signature Care Home ( Your parents may not live in Barnet, but it may well be worth relocating them if the facilities in their surrounding community do not look after people with dementia to the high standard done so by Signature.

How Close They Are to You

Moving into a care home, though necessary, is not always the easiest process for a lot of people. If your parents are simply getting older, then they may see such a move as losing their independence. If they are in the late stages of dementia, they will undoubtedly find the process confusing. As such, it is important you are there to lend a helping hand and support them every step of the way. You will also most likely want to continue to visit your parents even after they have settled in. Of course, this is going to be hard to do if they live in a completely different area to you, so it may be worth considering relocation if you want to have them a bit closer by.

The Cost

You will also need to consider the kind of budget that you are working with, as some care homes can become incredibly expensive. Care homes in certain areas tend to be cheaper than others, which isn’t necessarily a reflection of their quality rather of where they are situated. As such, it may be worth considering relocation if you have a strict budget that you want to stick to and where your parents currently live is more expensive than you can afford.


When it comes to moving your parents into a care home, there are a lot of steps you are going to need to cover if you want to make sure they are going into the best option available. One of these steps is that you will need to take into consideration whether or not you would like to relocate them. If you need help making this decision, then consider the above.

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