
5 Actionable Things to Do Before Sending Message to a Hiring Manager

Sending a message to the hiring manager is one of the most important things you can do when applying for a job. It shows them that you have taken the time to prepare a professional message and that they should take your skills seriously. However, sending an email can be tricky if not done right. So here are some actionable tips on how to make sure that your message gets received well:

Before sending the message, always check for spelling and grammatical errors.

Before sending the message, always check for spelling and grammatical errors. It is not just about making sure that your resume is error-free; it’s also about giving yourself a chance to make sure that you don’t send out an email looking like a child wrote it.

Spell check can be done with Google Docs or Microsoft Word using the spell checker button in the top right corner of your document window. If you don’t have access to either program then use an online service such as Grammarly which will analyze all of your text and give suggestions on how to improve its readability level by suggesting changes in grammar usage (e.g., “You’re” instead of “your”). Grammarly also provides proofreading services so feel free to ask them if they can help!

Always add a subject line that is short and clear.

A good subject line is short, simple and clear. A hiring manager will only read the first few lines of your email before deciding whether or not they want to see more or forward it on. So make sure that your subject line is relevant to the message you’re writing, easy to understand and written in a way that makes it obvious what the message is about.

The message should be short and straight to the point.

The message should be short and straight to the point. Avoid long sentences, use bullet points instead of paragraphs, use numbers and short phrases (e.g., 1st paragraph = About me/My background) to break up the content into smaller chunks that are easier to read.

Also try breaking your text up into paragraphs as well if possible by using:

Use an appropriate greeting and closing.

When sending a message, it is important to use an appropriate greeting and closing. The greeting should be formal and according to the person you are sending the message to. For example:

  • If you’re writing an email or letter for someone who works directly with you at your company, then you would use their name in place of “Hi.” This helps them feel like they’re being acknowledged as well-known within their department or team (because everyone knows who they are!).
  • If someone is not currently working at your company but has previously worked there in some capacity—whether it’s been just a few months ago or even longer than that—then feel free to include that information in your greeting text by saying something like “I’d love it if we could get coffee sometime soon” instead of just leaving off all references altogether because this person may still be confused about what exactly happened between us when last time we talked.”

Always add a professional signature with contact information to the message.

When you send your message, make sure to add a professional signature with contact information. This includes your first name, last name, and email address. If you want to be contacted for an interview or other follow-up questions about the position, include your phone number in the signature as well so that they know where they can reach you if necessary.

If there’s any way possible for them to see who sent their message (e.g., by clicking “Reply”), then include an official LinkedIn URL link at the bottom of their inbox so they have easy access when looking into further details about themselves or their company in general—this will help ensure that any additional information is given contextually relevant information rather than just being discarded because it was too vague or generic sounding like “Hello” instead.”

You can follow these steps to make sure you have a good first impression with your message

First impressions are important, and you want to make sure you have a good one. When hiring managers receive your message, they will be able to tell if it was sent in the appropriate way.

  • Use clear language. Make sure that your subject line is understandable and that it includes keywords related to what you’re looking for in a job applicant.
  • Be professional in all aspects of your communication with them (including signature). This is especially important when messaging via email or text message—it shows professionalism through every part of their interaction with you!
  • Keep it short and sweet at first; don’t make them wait too long before sending out an application packet or other documents that may take time for applicants to complete once hired as employees.”


We hope that this post has given you some insights into how to write a message. As we’ve seen, there are many different ways to approach the subject and it can be difficult to find just the right formula. However, with careful planning and understanding of what hiring managers are looking for, you should be able to create an effective message.

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